Adoration of the Sheperds
by Gerard van Honthorst


In violence and travail

We give you thanks for the babe born in violence.
We give you thanks for the miracle of Bethlehem, born into the Jerusalem heritage.
We do not understand why the innocents must be slaughtered; we know that your kingdom comes in violence and travail.  Our time would be a good time for your kingdom to come, because we have had enough of violence and travail.
So we wait with eager longing, and with
enormous fear, because your promises do not
coincide with our favorite injustices.
We pray for the coming of your kingdom on earth as it is around your heavenly throne.
We are a people grown weary of waiting.
We dwell in the midst of cynical people, and we have settled for what we can control.
We do know that you hold the initiative for our lives, that your love planned our salvation before we saw the light of day.
And so we wait for your coming, in your vulnerable baby in whom all things are made new.
-Walter Brueggemann,
Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth


Our sermon will use these images as an illustration.
Can you identify the locations?




Please join me in welcoming Sherrick Hiscock back to the Walla Walla valley. From 1973-1982 Sherrick taught woodwinds in the WWU music department. Since that time he has worked primarily for the Christian Record Braille Foundation headquartered in Nebraska. Welcome home Sherrick! We also welcome home Alan Newbold and thank him and our own Jaci Cress for singing. Finally, we thank two other home grown musicians. Joel Willard is a senior studying music and chemistry. Bethany Foster, a graduate of WWU, now raises two adorable sons while her husband teaches in the WWU math department. Please join me in thanking all of these musicians.

Our closing hymn, No.67, sets the words of Simeon, a just and devout man of Jerusalem who was waiting for the consolation of Israel when he came upon Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus in the temple. Moved by the Holy Spirit he uttered the words found in Luke 2:29-32. As you prepare to worship this Christmas Season I invite you to silently meditate on this text or on those of our other hymns. Merry Christmas!

--Kraig Scott







Membership Transfers, second reading
(IN) Larry McCulley from the Spokane Valley Church
(AWAY) Tara Becker to CrossWalk Church, Redland, CA
  Thomas and Lavonne Blackwelder to Summit Northwest
  Ministries, Post Falls, ID
  Lorena Hernandez to Summit Northwest Ministries
  Nathaniel and Emily Whitney to Summit Northwest Ministries

Free counseling at Pathways to Change, a community counseling clinic managed by the School of Education and Psychology at Walla Walla University.  Located in Smith Hall, it is open Sunday through Thursday,  2-9pm.  For more information call 509.527.2654.

Thank you so much for all the food, cards, visits, memorials, prayers and kind words during this sad time. Each one arrived at just the right moment. We are blessed to be a part of this caring church. -Alice Petersen, Jane and Larry Dodds, Greg, Amy, Emma and Nell Dodds

“Integrating One’s Faith and The Arts”, is a colloquium presented by the Center for Media Ministry at Walla Walla University. Award-winning filmmaker Martin Doblmeier, shares his lifelong interest in religion with a passion for journalism. It will take place January 6, 2016 at 5:30pm in Chan Shun Pavilion room #154.

“Living Beyond Yourself” is a women’s DVD bible study at SonBridge Community Center. Wedensdays, January 6 - March 16, 12-1pm. (Bring a Sack Lunch)



Sabbath, December 26
    4:14pm - Sunset

Monday, December 28
    Church Office Closed

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday December 29-31
    1-5pm - Church Office Open

Friday, January 1
    Church Office Closed
    4:18pm - Sunset
    8pm - WWU Communion Vespers, Sanctuary

Wednesday, January 6
    12-1pm - Women’s DVD Bible Study, SonBridge
    5:30pm - Center for Media Ministry Coloqium,
            Chan Shun Pavilion room #154





We thank you for your faithful support of our church. As always, you can give online at
This December we need $202,772 to meet our $729,000 annual budget. Thank you for a long history of faithfulness and generosity to this worthy cause. Each year, when we make and exceed our budget, we have the ability to keep our ministry both strong and vibrant.

Click here to give online.