Sabbath Schools Map


Worship Services

9:30 a.m.
8 Family Church, Heubach Chapel

10:30 a.m.
Berean Fellowship, Fine Arts Center
10 Circle Church, Fellowship Hall (downstairs)
11 Nuestra Iglesia, Village Hall

11:45 a.m.
12 OneService, University Church


Sabbath Schools (10:30 am)

1 Children’s Wing (downstairs)

2 Youth Room (main floor of the south wing)

3 Alumni Boardroom Sabbath School, Havstad Alumni Center

4 Saltworks: Where Life Meets Theology, Bowers Hall, Room 201

5 Chan Shun Sabbath School, Chan Shun Lecture Hall

1 Beyond the Blue Books (Arthur Maxwell's The Bible Story), The Gathering Room (in the children’s wing, downstairs)

7 Sabbath Seminar, Canaday Technology Center, Room 105 (only meets when Walla Walla University is in session)

6 School of Theology Sabbath School, Kretschmar Hall, Room 107 (Physics Lecture Hall)

2 Women’s Bible Study Group, Lead Pastor’s Office (inside the church office, in the south wing)